Sunday, 15 January 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

We are still In January so haven't left it too late to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR...

We have had such a good start to 2012 here at Dove Photography that my feet don't seem to have touched the ground. I am loving the fact that wedding bookings for this year have already surpassed last years. A big thank you to all our customers past present and future, you make me a very happy photographer.

I haven't made any actual New Years resolutions, but I have some goals for 2012 that I want to share..
Apparently (for those of you who believe it) if you write down your goals and revisit them regularly they are more likely to come into fruition.

I want to make Dove Photography the place to have your photos taken because of the amazing photos, but also the amazing customer service.
I want people to be talking about how good their experience with Dove..
I want to make some fab videos that help customers with their posing for weddings and portraits (that could be difficult as I usually end up giggling).
I want to write my blog every week ... (That is a difficult one)..
I want to help make money for 'Brian House' the childrens Hospice in Blackpool. They do an amazing job under very difficult circumstances and need as much help as they can get.
I want my new website to be up and running (which is proving harder than I thought, not everyone is dedicated to customer service...).

Anyway... Happy New Year... Here is a little slide show of some of our weddings this last year 2011

Please just check the sound level, we dont want you to get into trouble !!

Blackpool Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer Phone Sheila. 07932685241 Phone Dove Photography for your Portrait sessions, Wedding Photography in Blackpool and the whole of the Uk, Commercial Portraits; Baby Bump/maternity portraits.... Special occasions like Parties, Christenings, Birthdays. Getting Married abroad... I will come to your Evening Reception and record your Wedding Celebration for you...

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